OAK CREST DeKalb Area Retirement Center www.oakcrestdekalb.org STREET *4/ INTANGING ARE With a large inventory of lovely apartment and duplex homes and a variety of floor plans, there really is something for everyone. Apartments and duplexes feature spacious rooms, well-appointed kitchens, laundry, garages, and access to our onsite dining venues, fitness center and pool. More importantly, we are building friendships and memories. We offer the guarantee of future care and peace of mind. To visit one of these apartments or duplex homes contact Liz Hoppenworth at 815-756-8461 or email lhoppenworth@oakerestdekalb.org. 2944 Greenwood Acres. Dr. DeKalb 815-756-8461. oakerestdekalb.org OAK CREST DeKalb Area Retirement Center www.oakcrestdekalb.org STREET * 4 / INTANGING ARE With a large inventory of lovely apartment and duplex homes and a variety of floor plans , there really is something for everyone . Apartments and duplexes feature spacious rooms , well - appointed kitchens , laundry , garages , and access to our onsite dining venues , fitness center and pool . More importantly , we are building friendships and memories . We offer the guarantee of future care and peace of mind . To visit one of these apartments or duplex homes contact Liz Hoppenworth at 815-756-8461 or email lhoppenworth@oakerestdekalb.org . 2944 Greenwood Acres . Dr. DeKalb 815-756-8461 . oakerestdekalb.org