Right coverage. Right price. Right here in town. Micah Stoddard, Agent 400 E Hillcrest Dr Ste 150 Dekalb, IL 60115 Bus: 815-758-5456 micah.stoddard.xd6u@statefarm.com Here's the deal. The right insurance should help you feel confident and comfortable. I'm the right good neighbor for that. Call me today. Thank You Veterans! Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. State Farm Bloomington, IL 2001290 State Farm® Right coverage . Right price . Right here in town . Micah Stoddard , Agent 400 E Hillcrest Dr Ste 150 Dekalb , IL 60115 Bus : 815-758-5456 micah.stoddard.xd6u@statefarm.com Here's the deal . The right insurance should help you feel confident and comfortable . I'm the right good neighbor for that . Call me today . Thank You Veterans ! Like a good neighbor , State Farm is there. State Farm Bloomington , IL 2001290 State Farm®