QUITTING IS TOUGH. YOU'RE TOUGHER. ILLINOIS TOBACCO QUITLINE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH DeKolb Counly Health Departmant AMERICAN IUNG ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS Public Health Where Quitters Alwoys Wini Ira DLEE COUNTY HEALTH Departvent Quit Yes.org QUIT online Outsonine 1-866-Quit-Yes FREE Quit Plan! Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This message was funded by the Illinois Department of Public Health through funds received from CDC. QUITTING IS TOUGH. YOU'RE TOUGHER. ILLINOIS TOBACCO QUITLINE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH DeKolb Counly Health Departmant AMERICAN IUNG ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS Public Health Where Quitters Alwoys Wini Ira DLEE COUNTY HEALTH Departvent Quit Yes.org QUIT online Outsonine 1-866-Quit-Yes FREE Quit Plan! Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This message was funded by the Illinois Department of Public Health through funds received from CDC.