IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, TRY-TRY-TRY-TRY-TRY-TRY AGAIN. IT TAKES AN AVERAGE OF 7 TRIES TO QUIT SMOKING. The Illinois Tobacco Quitline is a free resource and offers a staff of nurses and certified tobacco counselors to help create a plan just for you. QUIT FOR G0OD. Why not try giving us a call? Success stories: QuitYes.org 1-866-QUIT-YES ILLINOIS TOBACCO QUITLINE Se habla español. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION IN ILUNOIS #QuitYes 1-866-784-8937 Dekalb County Health Department 1.EE COUNTY HEALTH Departnserit Puble Health This project was made possible by funds received from the Minois Department of Public Health. IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, TRY-TRY-TRY-TRY-TRY-TRY AGAIN. IT TAKES AN AVERAGE OF 7 TRIES TO QUIT SMOKING. The Illinois Tobacco Quitline is a free resource and offers a staff of nurses and certified tobacco counselors to help create a plan just for you. QUIT FOR G0OD. Why not try giving us a call? Success stories: QuitYes.org 1-866-QUIT-YES ILLINOIS TOBACCO QUITLINE Se habla español. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION IN ILUNOIS #QuitYes 1-866-784-8937 Dekalb County Health Department 1.EE COUNTY HEALTH Departnserit Puble Health This project was made possible by funds received from the Minois Department of Public Health.