IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, TRY-TRY-TRY-TRY-TRY-TRY AGAIN. IT TAKES AN AVERAGE OF 7 TRIES TO QUIT SMOKING. The Illinois Tobacco Quitline is a free resource and offers a staff of nurses and certified tobacco counselors to help create a plan just for you. Why not try giving us a call? SM-CL2000419 ILLINOIS TOBACCO UITLINE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION IN ILLINOIS DeKalb County Health Department Po QUIT FOR GOOD. 1-866-QUIT-YES Se habla español. f1-866-784-8937 #Quit Yes Success stories: QuitYes.org Public Health IrdiErutinat c This project was made possible by funds received from the Illinois Department of Public Health. HOBET LEE COUNTY HEALTH Department IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED , TRY - TRY - TRY - TRY - TRY - TRY AGAIN . IT TAKES AN AVERAGE OF 7 TRIES TO QUIT SMOKING . The Illinois Tobacco Quitline is a free resource and offers a staff of nurses and certified tobacco counselors to help create a plan just for you . Why not try giving us a call ? SM - CL2000419 ILLINOIS TOBACCO UITLINE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION IN ILLINOIS DeKalb County Health Department Po QUIT FOR GOOD . 1-866 - QUIT - YES Se habla español . f1-866-784-8937 #Quit Yes Success stories : QuitYes.org Public Health IrdiErutinat c This project was made possible by funds received from the Illinois Department of Public Health . HOBET LEE COUNTY HEALTH Department